
The corpus spans from the 3rd BCE to the 7th century CE, and besides the different textual types and genres, we also took into consideration the diverse sources of transmission of ancient texts.

This section will provide a search interface to access our annotated corpus. Meanwhile, you can have a glimpse of our annotation by visualizing Tertullian’s De spectaculis as annotated by Séverine Reymond and reviewed by Francesca Dell’Oro in INCEpTION. Please notice that this is not the final annotated file: it is the result of the automatic annotation of linguistic features and the manual annotation of modal passages. More metadata and corrections will be added later on.


  1. Download the file.
  2. Go to the INCEpTION demo website.
  3. After logging in, go to the right upper corner and, in “Import project files”, select the file you downloaded in step 1 (it must be a zip file: if your browser/operating system decompresses the folder by default, compress it as a .zip file). Then click on “Upload selected files”.
  4. Once the project was correctly imported, pay attention to green pop-up at the left bottom corner stating the name of the uploaded project (as default the name is “copy_of_WoPoss” but if other users have previously uploaded and not deleted the file, the name will change to avoid a rewriting). Select it on the list of projects to open it.
  5. Go to “Annotation” to overview the semantic annotation of De spectaculis.
  6. After you finish, you may go back to the dashboard (upper menu), select “Settings” and click of the red button “Delete” (upper right corner).